Nicolle Tremitiere
Languages: English, AAVE
Credentials: Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW)
Private/Group Pratice: Private
In person or online sessions: Online
Age Range: 18+
Availability: Monday to Friday 9am-7pm
Sliding scale of availability: No
Cost per session: $175 for 60 mins; $125 for 45 mins; *if you were sexually assaulted in PA, funding may be available
Insurance: CareFirst PPO, Capital BlueCross, and Highmark
Race, Culture, and Identity experience: All of my life; As a therapist 12 years
Specializations and/or certifications: I am a certified EMDR clinician
Intensive Therapy Sessions: Yes *This would likely have to be paid out of pocket
Special Projects: n/a
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (717) 855-5377 *Please text

Angela Sim-Laramee
Languages: English
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW),
Private/Group Practice: Private Practice
In-person or online sessions: Both
Availability: Monday (10am - 7pm), Tuesday (10am - 6pm), Thursdays (10am - 2pm), and Wednesday are reserved for therapy intensive sessions
Age Range: 18+
Cost per session: $180 for 53-60 minute sessions
Sliding scale of availability: I have one slot for Open Path (which is currently full). Offers limited time free therapy through Lotus Therapy Fund and BIPOC Therapy Fund
Insurance: Compsych, Aetna, and Student Health
Race, Culture, and Identity experience: 6+ years
Specializations and/or certifications: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Trained (EMDR), Brainspotting (Level 1 & 2)
Intensive Therapy Sessions: Yes
Special Projects: Post Traumatic Growth Group
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 484-452-3769 for a free 20 minute consultation

Constance Cosby
Languages: English
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW),
Private/Group Practice: Private Practice
In-person or online sessions: Both
Availability: Monday to Friday 10am - 4 pm
Age Range: 18+
Cost per session: $150
Sliding scale of availability: Yes
Insurance: Aetna, UHC, Optum, BCBS, HIGHMMARK, CBH
Race, Culture, and Identity experience: 10+ years
Specializations and/or certifications: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Trained (EMDR)
Intensive Therapy Sessions: n/a
Special Projects: n/a
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 215-469-1668